Support the 187 PTO
Annual Dues & Donations Appeal
Your generous donations help enrich the educational experience at PS-IS 187. The PTO has funded the folllowing programs, event and activities:
Pre-K-8th grade Garden Program
K-8th grade After-school enrichment classes
8th grade graduation and trip
BioBus for hands-on science
Educational Enhancement Grants for classroom supplies and field trips
The PTO needs your support to continue to offer programs and events you care about. A school is only as strong as the support it gets from its community - both financial and volunteer.
Any amount you can donate to the 187 PTO makes a difference, and every donation is now tax deductible.
And remember, regardless of whether or how much you give, every parent or guardian of a PS/IS student is always a member of the PTO. Because together, we can do more!