IS After School Enrichment Programs
Every fall and spring, the PTO makes Education Enhancement Grants available to teachers. The teachers have the option to apply for assistance with supplies, field trips, educational subscriptions, training, and any other resources they feel would be beneficial to the student body.
EEG funds support: classroom supplies, science equipment, musical instruments, books, field trips, and more.
Thursday October 6th to December 12th, 2022
Crochet Club (5-6)- Ms Martinez
Volleyball (5-8)- Ms Pastore
Art Club (6-8)- Ms Stern
Reading Club (5-6)- Ms Deaddio
Lego Robotics (5-6)- Ms Ruiz-Seymour & Ms L. Luna
E-Sport (5-8) - Mr Tergilene
Creative Writting (5-8)- Ms O'Connor
GSA club (5-8)- Ms Stern
Dance (5-8)- Ms Lugo
Rock Band (5-6)- Mr Jennings
Instrumental Music (5-8) - Mr Tergilene
Jewelry /Craft Club (5-8)- Ms Marricco & Ms Stern